Dear Each Milers,
It’s in it’s SUPER initial phases, but since this whole blog/website is about transparency, I want to show you this “work in progress” and get some of your feedback.
A big component of the Each Mile world tour is to “bring light” to places/people/culture/etc that may be overlooked due to a multitude of reasons that I have explained elsewhere (stigmatization/media coverage…). Just like these seemingly inconsequential blips on a map, in a growing city like Vancouver, individual people can start feeling like small blips as well. As “a drop of water in an ocean”, it seems impossible to create your own movement and that all you can do is go with the flow.
Vancouver is growing at a rapid pace, in all directions. The population is swelling, the skyline is reaching for the stars, and things that once seemed tangible and achievable, have become incorporated, franchised and elite. Blip believes in the quintessential, local community as the pulse of this unique city and refuses to let it be overshadowed, overrun and overlooked.
Blip is the full package for community based, social enterprises. It’s a multifaceted resource to define, assist and educate small businesses and a catalyst for their growth through micro-loan options.
The bottom line, is if you have a great idea that you believe in and you want to see it flourish, we’d love help you with that in anyway we can.
For the World Tour I will not be crowd funding to raise money to assist me on my journey nor to dump money in a random charity of my choosing.
Blip will be the ultimate outcome of the trip; a localized social incubator that will assist those who feel like blips in the community, connect the dots.
Again, it’s in the works, lots of morsels of food for thought. But I think we’re on to something. Special thanks to James Caspersen for partnering up with me to flesh this idea out.
Leave your comments and tell us what you think!
Thanks and Keep Pedalin’.