I won’t get into it, because that is for a later post, but I think, by far, this was one of my favourite days on a bicycle. Here is just one of the many pictures to prove it, as we cycled along the R1 bike route in from Munster, Germany.
So this time around I decided to get a little artsy with some simple features on Photoshops Elements. What do you think? Kind of neat, is what I’m thinking.
Like Neanderthal Man’s evolution into modern day human beings, many factors, changing landscapes and climates contributed to this happening. I think the same can be said for straw people. Unlike man, the straw people evolution takes considerably less than millions upon millions of years. In fact, I am pretty sure, the creative genius behind this master creation came up with monumental upgrade in a single evening, possibly sipping Peach Schnapps, hopefully gorging himself with something as equally stereotypical German.
This straw man is a lot more human like. While his brothers and sisters are helpless from their countless predators and the daunting etherial elements, due to their lack of legs and/or protective layer, this dude has both legs and a vehicle to boot. He’s even doing the gun fingers. He is basically the Fonz, the Marlon Brando of his kind. Possibly even a Jesus like figure to his followers. I’d say I would have been a follower if the restaurant he was luring me too was a few km’s off the path. Unfortunately I didn’t have that time. If the gun finger didn’t shoot you dead with conviction in your tracks that a wonderful smogesboard was awaiting you, then the cool, hip backwards hat would.
Germany. We had just left Vidin and were on the road through small towns, old churches and one billion corn fields. The corn fields would play a pivotal role in future competitive hilarity the bike group would get involved with. I am sure the pictures will surface soon enough, so I won’t ruin the surprise. And a surprise it will be, probably to the point where you will never want eat popcorn at movie theatres or anywhere else ever again.
I won’t say to much about this picture, cuz it speaks for itself. There were several other similar characters comically portraying an array of genitalia of all girths doing fun activities. It made me feel that condoms were synonymous with 5 year old birthday parties. It made me feel wrong about the whole thing. Maybe some English jokes translate into German, cuz this condom has obviously taken those flowers from someone and he’s right proud of it.